April 2019 Chimes

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From Pastor Steve
I am about to do a New Thing
Isaiah 43:16-21
As I walked to the Post Office the other day I noticed some crocuses popping up from the cold, barren ground. They were beautiful but they still seemed out of place. The first day of spring had come and gone but it still seemed like winter. The world hadn’t caught up with my calendar expectations.
Sometimes our expectations of social change, change and growth in our church right here in Red Hook and in the Big Church as well seems like it is just not happening. We may have a sense that it’s time for the old rules to give way to the new reality, a new and broader way of thinking and relating to all people. We may be disappointed to find that the ground is still frozen but spring is coming.
Isaiah says (43:18-19) “Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. 19 I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
God is about to do a new thing, it may not be on our timetable but a new thing is coming. Crocuses, tulips, roses and the fruit of a new season. He will make all things new.
Peace, Pastor Steve

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